Coat Drive Results & Random Acts of Kindness

Our coat drive was a huge success! We filled 2 truckloads and collected 733 coats. 

The real hero is Joseph, founder of God Provides Ministries. He and his team of volunteers sorted all the coats by type and size and distributed hundreds of them across the Greater Waterbury area to the organizations and individuals below. If you didn't get a chance to donate a coat but would like to support the selfless work GPMI is doing, you can donate here

Here are a handful of places the coats went:

-New Opportunities
-Spring Life Church
-St. Vincent DePaul Shelter
-Women out of Prison
-Homeless Hospitality Center
-Food Pantry via Waterbury Baptist Ministries 
-Individuals and families at the GPMI warehouse

Today is National Random Acts of Kindness Day. What is a random act of kindness you can do before the day ends? 

Presidents Day (officially George Washington's birthday) is on Monday and what better way to celebrate than a spoon roast (page 1) and strawberry avocado salsa (page 5)? 

Enjoy this quick hit of warm weather and let me know if you need help with anything!


-Rob LaBonne